Hello friends and family I continued my tree planting mission on Sunday and Monday. The weather was very comfortable, and I planted 21 new trees. On Tuesday morning the team came out and the weather was even more glorious. The calm water was clear, and we could see the ocean floor from up the hill. Robbie brought out his trailer and we shifted gear from the back to the front, from outside to the shed and then attacked some Boxthorn bushes! 10 more trees on Wednesday and then on Thursday it was raining. Bronwyn and I checked down the hill and then tidied up the potting bags in the shed, from all the tree planting. Friday was 12 more trees planted and a pleasure to be outside – glorious sunshine, even if it was only 7 degrees! I planted 12 more trees yesterday and will plant another bunch today. Then I will run out of stakes again!
Have a great week! Rosalie Hello friends and family, I was very pleased with myself when I completed planting the 50 Ngaios that were donated to us last season. That was my goal for Sunday and so when the rain arrived on Monday, I could excuse myself for not watering them! It rained all day Monday and Tuesday, so we had our team meeting on Tuesday morning by Zoom. Robbie came out and stripped the inside of the aviary so we can make it suitable for isolating penguins when they come into care next season. On Wednesday I dodged the showers and went to Oamaru. The snow was on the foothills all the way to town. On Thursday, Robbie and Murray freed up some posts, wires and tree protectors to recycle and Bronwyn and I did the rounds at Okahau. Saturday was the Yellow-eyed Penguin Symposium at Otago University from 9am to 3pm. Seven of us attended, and I took Robbie, Jan and Stewart down. It was very pretty with snow on the hills and frost on the ground. We left with plenty of time so there was no rush. The day was planned a little differently. The season information was presented all together by Sarah and Trudi. I spoke about our funding and Forest and Bird spoke about trapping in the southern Catlins.
There was an update about the disease research and the southern population of Yellow-eyed penguins. In the afternoon, there was discussion about how we can restructure to do better. The idea of a central funding agency was raised again. Last time, I sent in all the requested information and then never got any feedback, never mind money! Today we have frost, the ground is white and the sky is clear. I will aim for another 10 trees to be planted! Have a great week Rosalie |
January 2025