Hello friends and family Last Sunday was a lucky day! I got a visit from Melissa, my granddaughter with her partner and a friend, I won a voucher at the local Tavern and located a new pair of penguins at a nest. We also recorded over 50mm of rain – 3 months’ worth and very welcome. I went to Oamaru on Monday morning and worked in the aviary in the afternoon – out of the cool breeze. By Tuesday, the cool breeze had turned bitterly cold and so we split the rounds. We had 3 new eggs here and 2 at Okahau. There is a lot of penguin activity that is for sure! The good fortune continued on Wednesday when Mt Cook alpine salmon reached out with a new harvest of smolt. They will arrive here next week. It was my turn at the Toptip and despite the cold, it was a busy morning. The team came out on Thursday morning and we found another egg in each colony. The water from the weekend rain is beginning to seep out of the ground and the tracks are very slippery. Thank goodness for the new bridge Murray built. By yesterday we had 11 nests down the hill and 6 at Okahau. In the afternoon we had our AGM. I had a technology fail – after trying our best, we had to do the presentations on laptops. Fortunately, Jonah, our guest speaker is adaptable and did an awesome presentation anyway. All officers were re-elected, and our constitution was updated to meet the new requirements.
Have a great week Rosalie Hello friends and family. Sunday and Monday were good days for planting. The ground is still soft and damp and there was very little wind. We did the rounds on Tuesday while Robbie worked on the aviary. On Wednesday I went to town in the morning and planted trees in the afternoon. On Thursday, the clouds were gathering so we split into 2 and did one reserve each. Still no eggs. There are penguins at home in different nest boxes so it is impossible to predict the season, but what will be, will be. The rain arrived on Thursday afternoon, and by Friday morning we had 25mm. This is perfect, as all the new trees will get a good soaking, much needed as I don’t cart water. It came with a cold snap – snow on the foothills! Announcement Our first egg arrived on Saturday 14th September. The other great news for Saturday is that we have now identified 3 breeding females that we did not see through the moult. They are all back, in nests, ready for action. In the evening, we went to the Moeraki Tavern to welcome Elaine home. They always put on a great spread and support the penguins with a donation box on the counter.
Have a great week! Rosalie Hello friends and family Despite the forecasts, the weather has been great. On Sunday and Monday, I cut wire and planted trees. The team came out on Tuesday morning and we were treated to seeing a lot of penguins at home. Down the hill here, 26 nests had at least one occupant and at Okahau, the number was 18. Murray has seen 3 nests occupied at the Bluffs. These numbers are indicative only, but quite reassuring with the constant year on year decline that we have become used to. On Wednesday I went down to Dunedin for the follow-up meeting with the surgeon who will do some remedial work on my face when she can. I then took the opportunity to catch up with Trudi who has done so much valuable work for Hoiho, I wanted to tell her in person that Penguin Rescue appreciated the difference she has made. The team came out on Thursday morning and we did the rounds – the numbers of penguins at home were down at both colonies, but some different penguins were home than those we had seen on Tuesday, going from their location. Murray found a penguin nesting well inland from sites we have seen used before. We checked out the island and found 6 Little penguin nests. The seals have destroyed all the vegetation and most of the little penguin nesting boxes. We did get 2 mm of rain yesterday, along with a lot of wind. I spent the afternoon gaming with a clear conscience. Have a great week!
Rosalie Hello friends and family, I have arrived home from my family visit to spring bursting out all over the place. It was excellent spending time with the family. They are awesome and living busy lives. I enjoyed frequent hot spas, yummy food and lots of exercise. I did jigsaws and watched movies. Now I am back in the penguin world and ticking things off my long list in preparation for the nesting season. While I was away, the team saw a returned Juvenile Hoiho at Okahau which is such great news. If one can survive until now, so can the other 50 that are unaccounted for. On Thursday we did a check of active nest sites and still have some work to do to have them all up to scratch. The rounds were followed by a picnic lunch at the Bluffs, for Tobi’s birthday. On Friday I tidied up around the section and mowed the lawns. Then I followed up a lead and contacted the fish supply company. After filling out forms, we will have our season’s fish supply sorted out – a huge relief! Yesterday I walked the coast and tidied up the Katiki Beach main site. The weather has been glorious.
Have a great week! Rosalie |
January 2025