Hello friends and family, On Sunday morning I did the rounds down the hill and went to Okahau in the afternoon to plant 10 trees and check the traps there. I got a call about a Hoiho on Katiki beach – sure enough, it was Bruno! At least she had not gone north and had stayed at sea for a week. She came ashore to a fisherman, who had seen another Hoiho on the beach at Kaikoura. What a lucky man to see 2 of them! The wind arrived on Monday so I deep-cleaned Robbie’s rehab, out of the wind. I get quite a feeling of accomplishment when I complete these annual cleans. On Tuesday morning, the team came out and we did the rounds. Bruno threw up, so I took her to the Dunedin Wildlife hospital in the afternoon. On Thursday morning Murray and Tobi came out to do the rounds and we upgraded box 28 and box 200. Murray brought out 14 trees with him, so I planted them on Friday morning. In the afternoon, Alec from Evident came and set up the new microscope. What an awesome tool. My 10-year-old laptop can just cope with the software so that was a stroke of luck. Yesterday Trii came up to help for the day. We have tidied up the trees too small to be planted out this winter. They are now in big bags and can grow, ready for planting out next season.
Have a great week! Rosalie |
January 2025