Hello friends and family Happy birthday Dot! Well, it has been a busy week. The weekday team was down to Robbie and I, so we continued with the list of jobs. This involved chain sawing, banging in warratahs, planting a new house and protecting another 40 trees. We also trapped 3 ferrets and a rat. On Wednesday I did the Toptip in the morning and then went into Oamaru for the ‘flu jab in the afternoon. The plumbers and electricians have finished at the house so it has been a busy site. On Thursday, we planted a new penguin box and banged in about 40 warratahs. This means that the swamp trees have now all been protected. The big news is that we have had at least 4 juvenile YEPs return. This is very early – I have seen them back in May before, but it is still only April. The early return of juveniles is a good sign for the coming season. Elaine and Hiltrun came on Saturday and so we spent the time working out what winter maintenance we need to do. All good! Just as Hiltrun left, we had a thunderstorm that delivered 18mm of hail. No watering needed for a few days!
Have a great week! Rosalie Hello friends and family Hiltrun came up on Sunday which was a much nicer day than Saturday and we found that most penguins were out fishing. Later in the day, we got a Cape Petrel that was found on Shag Point road. It probably got disoriented by car headlights, so we kept it until Tuesday morning when we released it in the bay. I have seen several Flocks of Titi as they head north to Siberia. They will have been very pleased with the sou’wester that came up on Tuesday and delivered 25 mm of rain – the drought is broken! The team came out on Tuesday and began the task of tidying up some of the branches blown over in the wind last week. We need to get dying Ngaio out of reach of the sheep as it is poisonous. On Wednesday I made cheese and preserved fruit. Lindsey and Margie came out on Thursday morning and we did the rounds, released two juvenile penguins and carted some tree circles. In the afternoon, I went to Hampden to see the unloading of my house. After it was safely placed on the foundations, I got to go inside, and I am very pleased with it. It looks good on the site and the view is magical. On Friday, Lindsey, Margie, and I went to Penguin Place and then Boulder beach. Penguin Place was looking wonderful, and the trees had grown since I was last there. They had 25 penguins in care so are still quite busy. Boulder Beach involves a very long walk, and we were blessed with some decent rain while we were there! I had my coat but got wet feet – should have worn my gumboots!
Yesterday was sunny again and we worked at the north end of the reserve. Have a great week! Rosalie Hello friends and family Last Sunday we had hurricane force winds blow through for several hours. All of the pears were blown off the tree. This also resulted in leaves and twigs strewn through the reserves with some broken tree branches. Hiltrun came up and managed to mow despite the wind. The team came on Tuesday and did the rounds. We emptied the chest freezer and Robbie cut another pile of circles so we could clip them together. Wednesday was my Toptip day, and very enjoyable to catch up with the locals. I visited the Hampden section and work has finally begun on my house. The site has been levelled and the access for the house prepared. On Thursday I joined the team to do the rounds and we looked at what is needed to bring the nest boxes up to scratch for the next breeding season. The penguins have begun building nest bowls, so we need to get a hurry on! Wherever tiny chicks died we will redesign the entrance to the nest to give the breeders more privacy. We want it so that the penguins cannot see other penguins walking past when they are sitting on their eggs. We also picked up an injured penguin from the Catlins and it is now in care. I went to Oamaru on Friday and enjoyed the autumn display along the way. It is still very dry here and the farmer has begun feeding out to the sheep. Yesterday we got 3 mm of rain and that stopped the dust for a few hours! Have a great week!
Rosalie Hello friends and family Autumn has treated us kindly and all the jobs waiting for bad weather are still waiting. I am continuing to enjoy an excellent recovery and am now walking each day to keep up my spirits. We have only a handful of penguins in care – underweight moulters and chicks that have failed to fledge. The chicks have a fungal throat infection that makes swallowing painful. We treat that, fatten them up and then they try to fledge again. Lindsey and Robbie did the rounds on Tuesday and only a few penguins have yet to complete the moult. On Wednesday I clipped some tree circles together and it felt good to be doing something productive again. I also preserved some fruit. By Thursday there was only a couple of penguins at home so in the afternoon we started protecting some small trees that had survived the sheep and the drought. Robbie got us 80 more warratahs so we will be ready for the winter planting, as soon as it rains.
Happy Easter and have a great week! Rosalie |
January 2025