Hello friends and family On Monday, the builders arrived to replace the roof on the garage. It took them most of the day and while the roof was off, the bees discovered the honey boxes stored in the shed. It meant that the builders were working with hundreds of bees buzzing about. In spite of this, they completed the job very efficiently and the garage should be good for another 30 years. On Tuesday, the bees featured again as I was called out to capture a swarm. By the time I got there the swarm had gone! I planted out the carrots and now I have only beetroot to plant and all my spring seeds will be planted. We are now treating chicks in 9 nests and have had 15 chicks die. Hatching out and learning to feed are dangerous activities and not all chicks survive. The vet came out on Thursday afternoon to offer support and discuss our protocols. Chris and Hiltrun came up on Friday afternoon and started screening the nests in Harry’s Bay. The rabbits have eaten out all the understory of the trees and so the penguins are exposed at the nest which is not a safe way for things to be. Sadly, 2 of the nests there have had both chicks die so we are too late with our extra protection. Have a great week!
Rosalie |
January 2025