Hello friends and family Last Sunday we micro-chipped and weighed the 7 oldest chicks. Overall their weights were great, so all is well. Catching them requires crawling around under the trees and among Shearwater burrows. The place is once again, crawling with fleas. January is the month of scratching for me! On Monday, Daniel spent the day upgrading our internet presence. This is our main platform for penguin advocacy and, so we want to reach as many people as possible. We now have a Twitter account! Tuesday was our town day and I did the Top-tip shop on Wednesday morning. Daniel cut some gorse at the Hampden section. Jim has put in a boundary fence which is great. The apricot trees are looking healthy but the peach trees have died. On Thursday I caught up with Marian before she goes back to work and was very impressed with her big tunnel house. All the while we have been monitoring chicks and predator traps and watering the young trees. All the bad weather has passed us by. This morning the team went to Katiki Beach where we found, weighed and micro-chipped 2 penguin chicks from 2 nests. After yesterday’s marathon of 43 chicks it was easy!
Have a great week! Rosalie |
January 2025