Hello friends and family. Monday was cold and nasty, so I decided to blob for the day and not do much. It worked well until about 4:30 pm when I got a call about a skinny penguin down the hill. I went down to check it out and it was just fine. I decided to return through the habitat and saw a few penguins, some in different boxes from last season, so I await the new season with even more interest. On Tuesday when Jan and I did the rounds we found the southernmost male – Mr 18 in the northern most box – nest 114. Here’s hoping that he has moved! The task for the day on Tuesday was washing rocks in disinfectant for the enclosures. We have completed the Hugo wing. On Wednesday I picked up some more rocks and began re flooring the hospital. Thursday was a day for more rock work. We moved on to Robbie’s rehab and have disinfected the rocks in the two back pens. While excluding mosquitoes may reduce Malaria risk, we have to reduce the risk of a complete range of infections that penguins are vulnerable to, so good hygiene is a must.
I spent Friday on small jobs and Hiltrun came up for the day yesterday. We did the rounds and there were no penguins to be seen! This is just right for July. Have a great week! Rosalie |
September 2024