Hello friends and family The unsettled spring weather brought us warm / sunny / thunderstorms /cold. The penguins don’t care. What they are after is a home and their definition of such has as much to do with the neighbours as the location. We have had fighting and skiting. On Tuesday morning, Patrick woke me because he had come out to open the gate and a pair of penguins had decided that the entrance way would be the perfect nesting site. They had chosen a corner and started nest building. We made them leave and blocked their access, so they won’t come back. I am hopeful that they will find another spot and not give up on the idea. While doing the rounds at the Moeraki colony, we found an underweight juvenile. It was raised in the area but came from Aramoana. It has a sore throat and needs help. It is in the right place! On Wednesday, Elaine and I slipped away for a mini break, to further tempt fate and it worked! On Thursday we got our first egg of the season. How joyful is that! Seeing each breeding female return gladdens our hearts and the first egg is the beginning of the new season. Our holiday was first class. We stayed at Queensberry and walked past Diamond Lake to the Lake Wanaka lookout. On the way home, we caught up with Walter, Therese, and Paul at Clyde. Yesterday, we found another egg and two more breeding pairs – Happy days!
Have a great week Rosalie |
January 2025