Hello friends and family Yay – November is over, diphtheria is under control and the chicks are growing well. With all the stress, I had a blob day on Monday and by the time I paid $256 for a regular check up at the dentists on Tuesday, I realised that I should be a little more grateful. Jan came on Wednesday and did the rounds with me – she is a treasure, selling calendars and helping in any way she can. I installed the new blinds and am very pleased with them. Yes, I did use the chainsaw to help with the installation in the bedroom, but the installation in the lounge went without a problem! On Thursday I went to the Moeraki Tavern for the Moeraki ladies annual Christmas get together – how quickly a year goes by. Hiltrun joined me for Friday’s round and what a treat – no dead chicks but lots of cute ones! The chicks are starting to venture outside the nest box and explore their world. It can be very disconcerting to come to a nest box to check it and it is empty! Elaine and Pauleen came out for a visit after they had been helping Santa at the Hampden market. Elaine said that they needed the fire engine because they were so hot! Sales of the calendars have been a little slow – order now for Christmas gifts that help save penguins.
Have a great week! Rosalie |
January 2025