Hello friends and family A new season begins. Thank you so much for all of you that supported our work during the last season. Each of the last 5 seasons has been an uphill struggle for the penguins and we hope that this will be the year when the numbers begin to recover, and we can start to re-build the population. A special mention to my big brother Richard who has been our honorary accountant all these years and is now finally retiring. We need a new accountant please – not that onerous, we use Cashbook, so it is straight forward. Thank you, Richard for all the support over the years. The week began with a dire weather forecast which turned out to be not as bad as predicted. The rehab penguins were released, the pens and enclosures cleaned out and now the lawn can recover. Robbie and Patrick came on Tuesday and we did the rounds and planted a few plants. I was on the Top-tip on Wednesday morning and it was very cold – sleet but no snow. On Thursday, Elaine, Robbie and I helped Patrick clean up some of the rubbish down the hill. The reward was seeing juvenile penguins socialising with the adults, but we did pick up one skinny one that later tested positive for Malaria.
Elaine joined me on my trip to town on Friday. It was glorious after a hard frost. The mountains were covered in snow and the air was fresh. Yesterday was better and the Saturday team worked in the forest, out of the wind. Have a great week! Rosalie |
January 2025