Hello friends and family There is something satisfying about planting trees. It is very fiddly as well because we put in 2 layers of protection. The first is a biodegradable rabbit / wind protector and then around that, we put wire netting, secured with a Y post. It all takes time and when we have nice weather, it is great. Then the tree gets watered. We planted 15 trees on Tuesday. I was back at the Top-tip on Wednesday. There was lots of hand – sanitising, social distancing and I had Chrissie to help me, so it was very social. I asked her (about 6 times) to get Owen to chase the cow around the paddock so she calves, and I can start making cheese again. It rained on Thursday, so Jan and I did the rounds and there were lots of penguin pairs at home. They were very skittish, so we had to be careful to not spook them as we want them to be comfortable in their nest boxes. It seems that the pairs have several boxes that they swap between, and we just hope they pick one! On Friday I went to Oamaru to pick up more netting and see the doctor. I am of an age where I need maintenance and my left shoulder has been painful for some time. I damaged it carting fish around over the summer and it has not yet healed. Now, with only 6 penguins in care – all a delight to feed, it should be on the mend. I may need some physio. Hiltrun and Elaine came out yesterday and we had a great catch up until the rain stopped and then got on with monitoring and track clearing.
Have a great week! Rosalie |
January 2025